
Monday, 18 May 2009

Taralli with Fennel Seeds (Taralli ai Semi di Finocchio)

Taralli - very common in Southern Italy, especially in the Puglia region - are similar to pretzels. Before baking them, you should drop them quickly into boiling water. This step gives them a very interesting and unique texture. Perfect as a snack, and even better with a nice glass of wine. This recipe is from the Italian chef Anna Moroni. Ingredients

  • Plain Flour (I use the ‘OO’ type), 1Kg
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 200gr
  • Salt, 10gr
  • Fennel Seeds, 10gr
  • White Wine


Mix the flour and the olive oil until this is completely absorbed. Add the salt and the fennel seeds and mix well. Start adding the white wine gradually and knead the dough for about 15 minutes. The dough should be smooth and elastic, and it should not stick to the surface.
Cut out small pieces of dough and roll into ropes about 9 cm long. Form a ring and pinch the two edges together.

Drop the rings (10 at a time) into boiling water (about 2 liters) and when they rise to the surface remove and drain on a kitchen cloth.

Transfer on a baking sheet and bake at 180°C for about 30 minutes, or until golden.

Taralli ai Semi di Finocchio


  • Farina ‘OO’, 1Kg
  • Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva, 200gr
  • Sale, 10gr
  • Semi di Finocchio, 10gr
  • Vino Bianco

Impastare la farina con l’olio d’oliva fino a che non sia completamente assorbito. Aggiungere i semi di finocchio ed il sale. Versare il vino gradualmente ed impastare fino ad ottenere una pasta elastica, non dura, e che non si attacchi al piano di lavoro.
Tagliare dei piccoli pezzetti di pasta, allungarli fino a 9 cm circa, e formare i taralli unendo le due estremita’.
Portare a bollore 2 litri d’acqua. Immergere i taralli e appena vengono a galla toglierli ed riporli su un panno da cucina. Disporli su una placca da forno e informare a 180°C per 30 minuti o fino a quando i taralli saranno leggermente dorati.


  1. Fennel seeds are very common, it is commonly found in kitchen. It adds flavours to dishes. It has many health benefits like, it act as mouth freshener, women who face irregularities in their periods felt effective cure by fennel seeds, it provides relief to strained eyes, gives soft and conditioned locks, healthy skin etc.

  2. I love taralli and I didn't know that you boiled them before baking. That is just like bagels! WIll have to try this.

  3. I have never heard of these... lovely! They really are like bagels only better for the fennel!

  4. Hi Linda and Lostpastrememberd!
    Yes, the process is similar, however the Taralli are quite crunchy/crisp, bagels are much softer.

  5. can you tell me what kind of wine y havo to use?
    Seems good thank you!

  6. Ciao!

    Ho una domanda... quanto vino ha bisogno la ricetta?

    Grazie mille per il bellissimo website!

  7. I used dry white wine, vino bianco secco.
    Grazie :-)

  8. Just came across your blog looking for a recipe for these...nice blog you have.
