
Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Mini Pizza Canapés - Pizzette di Pasta Sfoglia

Ideal to be served as party canapés or with a nice glass of wine to welcome your guests. You can prepare this a few hours in advance, keep it in the fridge and transfer to the oven when the guests arrive. Happy summer!

  • Ready rolled Puff Pastry (2 packs of approx. 375g)
  • Thick Tomato Passata
  • Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Salt


Preheat the oven to 220°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Unroll a sheet of puff pastry and place on the baking tray. Add the salt to the tomato passata and spread the sauce onto the puff pastry sheet.

Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Line the other puff pastry sheet onto the one with the tomato sauce and press gently. Using a pastry cutter, cut into squares.

Bake for about 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Pizzette di Pasta Sfoglia


  • Pasta sfoglia pronta, 2 confezioni da circa 375g
  • Passata di pomodoro densa
  • Parmigiano grattugiato
  • Sale


Preriscaldare il forno a 220°C. Ricoprire una teglia con della carta da forno. Adagiare il primo strato di pasta sfoglia sulla teglia. Salare la passata e cospargerla sulla pasta sfoglia. Spolverizzare con un paio di manciate di parmigiano grattugiato. Ricoprire con l’altro strato di pasta sfoglia premendo leggermente. Tagliare in quadratini e cuocere in forno gia’ caldo per 10-15 minuti


  1. Great, simple and tasty.. This blog is amazing, and the pictures fab!
