
Monday, 8 March 2010

Focaccia Barese

A great recipe from the Apulian chef Palma D’Onofrio.
The mushed potatoes give this focaccia a nice, sweet flavour.
Focaccia is present in many variants in Italy itself. This one is from Bari. Enjoy!

Per leggere la ricetta in Italiano andare al fondo del Post

  • Flour 00, 200g
  • Fine Semolina Flour, 100g
  • Potatoes, 250g (Boiled and mashed & weighted after cooking)
  • Fresh yeast, 13g
  • Lukewarm water, 250g
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 50g
  • Pinch of Sugar
  • Cherry Tomatoes, approx. 20
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Rock Salt


Dissolve the yeast in some lukewarm water (taken from the 250g) and whisk thoroughly. Pour the yeast mixture into a bowl, add 00 flour, semolina flour, mashed potatoes (still warm), a pinch of sugar and olive oil.

Start mixing the ingredients together, and work the dough for 10-15 minutes.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for an hour.

Oil a round baking tin with olive oil and pat the dough out onto the tin. Using your fingers make some holes on the dough surface, and insert the cherry tomatoes - cut in halves - nicely into the holes.

Brush with a mixture of warm water and olive oil and sprinkle with rock salt.

Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until it doubled in size.

Bake the focaccia in a preheated oven to 220ºC for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Focaccia Barese di Palma D’Onofrio


  • Farina 00, 200g
  • Farina di Semola, 100g
  • Patate lesse, 250g (pesate dopo cotte)
  • Lievito di birra, 13g
  • Acqua tiepida, 250g
  • Olio extra vergine di oliva, 50g
  • 1 pizzico di zucchero
  • Pomodorini, circa 20
  • Olio extravergine di oliva per condire
  • Sale grosso


Bollire e schiacciare le patate.

In una ciotola amalgamare: le farine, le patatate schiacciate ancora tiepide, lo zucchero, l’olio ed il lievito sciolto in un po’ d’acqua tiepida.

Lavorare l’impasto, riporlo nella ciotola e coprire con della pellicola alimentare trasparente. Lasciare lievitare per almeno un’ora.

Trasferire l’impasto in una teglia ben oleata e fare pressione con le dita sulla superficie della pasta per ottenere dei buchi. Tagliare i pomodorini a meta’ e disporli nei buchi.

Preparare un’emulsione con acqua e olio. Versarla sulla focaccia e cospargerla con del sale grosso.

Coprire di nuovo con la pellicola trasparente, far lievitare una seconda volta fino al raddoppio del volume ed infornare a forno caldo (circa 220°) per circa mezz'ora.


  1. I can't wait when I have my crop of grape tomatoes which are so sweet to make this focaccia. Do you know that I make so many of your recipes. You really cook food I love!

  2. @ Marcellina - darling, you are always so kind. Thank you :-)

  3. I love how the cherry tomatoes are peeking out of that bread.
