• Plain Flour 500g
• Soft Butter 350g
• Icing Sugar 180g
• Eggs 100g
• Lemon zest
• Vanilla essence
• A pinch of salt
• Dark Chocolate
. Method
In a kitchen mixer, combine butter, icing sugar, lemon zest and vanilla essence and beat for about 10 minutes. Gradually add the eggs and continue beating until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Gradually fold in the flour and mix well. Pipe the mixture onto a greased baking tray and transfer to the fridge for at least 30 minutes. Bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven (180°C), or until the bottoms of the biscuits are lightly browned. Remove from the oven and transfer on to a cooling rack. Melt the chocolate on bain-marie. Round biscuits: sprinkle with icing sugar and then drizzle with the melted chocolate. Oblong biscuits: Dip one end in the melted chocolate. Transfer on to a wire rack and leave to cool.
Biscotti di pasta frolla montata
• Burro a temperature ambiente 350g
• Zucchero al velo 180g
• Uova 100g
• Farina 500g
• 1 pizzico di sale
• Scorza grattugiata di un limone
• Vaniglia
• Cioccolato per la copertura
In un kitchen mixer montare il burro con lo zucchero, la scorza grattugiata di un limone, la vaniglia e un pizzico di sale, fino ad ottenere un composto liscio e spumoso. Aggiungere le uova e continare a montare il composto. Aggiungere infine la farina setacciata gradatamente. Con una sac a poche con bocchetta a stella formare dei biscotti della forma voluta direttamente su una teglia imburrata. Trasferire in frigo per almeno 30 minuti prima di infornare.Cuocere per circa 10-12 minuti in forno preriscaldato a 175 gradi. Per la copertura: Sciogliere il cioccolato a bagno maria e ricoprire i biscotti nel modo desiderato.
Jam Shortbread Biscuits
Ingredients • Plain flour (I use the `00` type) 200g
• Unsalted good quality butter 100g, plus extra for greasing
• Icing sugar 50g
• 2 free-range egg yolks
• Cold water
• A pinch of salt
• Zest of a lemon
• Your favourite jam
Method On a floured surface mix the flour and the butter cut into small pieces together. Mix in the icing sugar, the egg yolks and the lemon zest and work together very quickly to form the pastry dough. Add some cold water if required. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for a minimum of 30 minutes before using. Roll out the dough into desired thickness. For each biscuit, cut out two stars or hearts, etc. Cut out the centre of one of them with a smaller cutter. Place each piece on a lightly greased baking tray. Bake in a preheated oven (180 C) until lightly browned (7 to 8 minutes). Cool completely on wire rack. Fill the biscuits with your favourite jam, spreading a layer of jam on the bottom biscuit before placing the other biscuit on top. Sprinkle with icing sugar.
Biscottini di pasta frolla e marmellata
• Farina `00` 200g
• Burro di buona qualita` 100g - ed un po` per imburrare
• Zucchero a velo 50g
• 2 Tuorli d`uovo
• Acqua fredda
• Un pizzico di sale
• La buccia grattugiata di un limone
• Marmellata
Sbriciolare velocemente il burro nella farina. Aggiungere lo zucchero, i tuorli, la buccia del limone ed un pizzico di sale e lavorare velocemente. Aggiungere qualche cucchiaio di acqua fredda se necessario. Formate una palla, avvolgetela in pellicola per alimenti e tenetela in frigo per almeno 30 minuti prima di utilizzarla. Stendere la pasta. Ritagliare con i tagliabiscotti metà biscotti pieni e metà biscotti con il buco in mezzo e cuocere in forno a 180° C per circa 10 minuti. Spalmare la marmellata sul biscotto pieno e unire al biscotto con il buco, ed infine spolverizzare di zucchero a velo..

Hi Laura I'm so glad to have found your blog, I've been looking for a recipe for these biscuits for ages, thanks:) Everything looks fab, must try that ricotta and chocolate tart too...
ReplyDeleteThank you twice - 1 for the compliments, 2 because you are the first person that left a message on my new (10 days old) blog! :-)))
ReplyDeleteCiao Laura
Hi Laura, looks lovely, just checking is it 100g for eggs or 1 egg??
Hi V,
ReplyDeleteSorry, this can be confusing, I think I will need to change the working.
It`s actually 100g of eggs, which is eqv. to approx. 2 large eggs.
Sorry about the confusion.
Laura x
..will need to change the wording, not the working... sorry x
ReplyDeleteLaura :) Those Whipped Shortbreads are lovely! And so versatile! Thanks for sharing the recipe. Hope you won't mind me posting it on my Polish blog :)
ReplyDeleteOlasz - Thank you and I don't mind at all :-)
ReplyDeleteYo! I made the shortbread biscuits with Bianca and Nonna and they were super delicious!
ReplyDeleteBTW, just to add to your debate, in my experience fairycakes is a more English term whereas cupcakes is American and this word has been imported here more recently - when I was young you never heard talk of cupcakes! Same thing as far as I know. xxx Annabel